Wednesday 19 December 2018

Self Pursuing Inner Reality Invoking Truth.=S P I R I T Part Two.

That "still small voice" that whispers reassuring words of comfort to us, particularly when we are
engulfed within a crisis, is none other than our divine immortal soul, this inner voice had called out to
me many times in my life,trying to reassure me, and hoping I would look within and find out
where this inner voice was coming from, but I never did, not until I was given just three months
to live, then I finally paid attention to this inner small voice.
Those of you reading this now,listen to that still small voice within you, and when it speaks to
you, as no doubt it will do at some point in your life,take the time to enquire within yourself
just from where does this inner voice arise from? It will then reveal itself to you, if you persist
in your enquiry, and reveal the true nature of who you are, that of a divine immortal soul.
And this reality lies within the whole of the seven or more billion humans on this planet.
I became extremely aware that the entire human race were all vehicles for their indwelling
souls, and that most of them were completely unaware of this reality. We are all really "points
of expression" pushed or pressed out into a "formalised shape" that which we all call the human
body, what is actually showing in the visible state was in fact a mere "drop of the full potentiality"
that lay aback from the physical form, we are all "motioning within an infinite ocean of consciousness" and our physical bodies are just like corks bobbing about on the surface of this
infinitely deep ocean that lies within us all.
What is a thought? What is its nature? We are all self aware beings,being self aware we can select
a direction in which consciousness will flow, we being self aware, and knowing that we know,
actually direct universal energy by "thinking thoughts" thoughts are literally energy directors, and
this direction can be either positive or negative, constructive of destructive we have that immense
power within us, which is why the planet is in such a mess, because of destructive thinking and
the echoes of that rebound within us as suffering and pain. Each thought you think is pulling energy
out of this infinite ocean and giving it a direction to flow in, think about that dear reader of this blog,
think about the power we each possess and how we use it, for building or destroying. We each have an enormous responsibility for our thoughts, actions, and deeds, this is why Karma is always very
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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