Sunday 23 December 2018

Reality Ensures Self Union Reflective Reasoning Entering Conscious Thoughts.=RESURRECT Part Two.

The main reason we are all here upon this Earth plane, is first to learn who we really are
through countless experiences over countless lives, and also to discharge our Karmic
liabilities. This whole experiencing journey from ignorance into realisation is to finally bring
about the resurrection of the Divinity that lies mostly dormant within mankind,and bring his/her
consciousness into alignment with the true and lasting nature of its inner spirit, the Divine
immortal soul. That is why we are here, so that we will finally and consciously know and fully
understand our true and lasting identity, that of an immortal divine soul, and  further recognise
that we will  "all go though this process" (without exception) and become resurrected at some
point our evolutionary journey, no matter how long it takes,we all have an eternity before us, so
there is an endless supply of time available!
Usually when we had had enough of being sick and tired,had enough of the various pleasures
of life,when all the "tinsel" has lost its shine, feelings arising saying "is this all there is in life?"
Whats the point in all this? How many more crisis have I to bare? When this time occurs, and it
will always occur at some point in our lives, we feel the instinctive need to look within ourselves
and start seeking answers to our "soul searching  questions" (the soul is not lost,we are!) This
action when taken and pursued with intent will eventually lead up to the door that will open up
and transform your consciousness into deeper levels of awareness and perception  and then bring
you to the point of actually "touching the living flame" of LIFE, that Divine spirit your immortal
soul that lies within you, and when this moment arrives ,your resurrection will have begun.
This is the ultimate destiny of the whole of humanity, all the seven or so billion of us will take
this journey and all will stand at the portal of rebirth via resurrection into becoming fully
conscious of who and what they really are, you reading this now today, just a few days away from
Christmas, yes you dear reader of this blog, one day you will also stand at the portal of rebirth,
you may even have consciously started this process of right now today.
When we enter into reflective reasoning, this will bring about an opening into a more deeper
level of consciousness, that with intuitive thoughts that will begin to "flash into your mind" this
will begin to reveal a great stirring within you, an awareness of like a "hidden energy" will begin
to emerge into your consciousness, this dear reader is the beginning of your total
transformation from human being, into divine soul being via the process of resurrection.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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