Friday 28 December 2018

Self Awakening Meditation Accepting Delivered Holistic Insight.=S A M A D H I Part Two.

I had never heard of the word Samadhi back in 1975 when I had that experience, it was only
later when things had somewhat quietened down that I looked for answers to what had happened
to me,was I going mad? Was this a psychotic episode?  Or was it a very powerful spiritual
experience? I discovered that it was an experience called Samadhi and was recognised by the
east as a human experience that occurs through  prolonged one pointed thinking and has been
known about for thousands of years.What I had experienced was called a spontaneous Samadhi
that arose within me because of my single minded fixed thought on being at "one within the ALL"
so intense  was my single minded thought that it brought about a corresponding inner reaction
and opened up the sequence of a "unified unity of consciousness" It was like touching the "HEM
of the Garment of the Absolute Being" and then becoming absorbed within it the "I" that was
thought of as Michael was dissolved into the all-ness of ALL.There was just "eyes" looking
at the wonder of manifestation, became aware of motioning faster much faster than light, in
fact light seemed to be hardly moving at all, like a snails pace, speeding towards what seemed
to be a beginning of something. Then all went black, no motion, absolute stillness, no stars,
no thing any where whatsoever,it was an absolute void of no-thing-ness, it was a place-less
place, absolute silence,absolute motionlessness,the universe had yet to be born, everywhere
and nowhere was here where these eyes looked out into the void. Then in a blink of an eye
billions of years were come and gone and I was back within this dense and startled body.
We need to resurrect the ancient mind technology of Samadhi, it is badly needed today
where we are swamped with selfishness and greed, and rampant materialism, where science
has invented fusion and the atomic bomb, they are now trying to invent fusion, and so called
"free energy" can the multinationals allow us FREE  ENERGY? Where would be their profit?
Through yoga and meditation we can all achieve a fusion of our lower self into our higher self
thereby transfiguring and transforming ourselves into conscious union with our spiritual inner
self, which is our immortal divine soul, this can bring about the state of Samadhi, if we are one
pointed single minded and determined to expand our consciousness perception and awareness.
When we look into the mirror, we never see ourselves EVER, all we ever see is the vehicle that
is used by the real YOU, which is you soul.all a mirror ever shows you is the outward appearance
of an invisible reality beneath the form.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realisation.

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