Wednesday 16 January 2019

Universal Souls.=U S .

We call ourselves mankind, or even that of humanity, and even though that may well seem a
good description of who we all believe  we truly are, it seems to be a very surficial answer to
explain the complexities of our inner and outer natures,if we look deeper into this being called
mankind we can perhaps find another way of describing him.
Although we all find ourselves here on the planet Earth, and for the duration of our earthly
incarnation, it is indeed our temporary home, but the operative word here is temporary and
not permanent, we all our as the title of this blog spells out-universal-souls. our true home is
the universe, we are only localised here on Earth in order to gather experience and use this
experience to bring about a full and complete knowing-ness of its universal identity.
We all seem to get hopelessly lost within our embodying process, we mistake our physical
body as being who we really are, with the rising up within our budding self consciousness
the birth of our ego and personality, this further confuses us, and we then can spend our
entire life never really knowing who we actually were.
We feel disconnected with life and often to each other,this is because we have lost our universal
consciousness, and become very localised and apart from the fullness and wholeness of life.
All life is totally connected and fused together into one composite whole, yet we fail miserably
to see this connection, all of mankind is totally connected and interconnected with each other,
we are all related to the ONE UNIFIED ENERGY LIFE FORCE, the only disconnections
exists solely in our head space, and NOT in reality.
We need to fully understand that what we call ourselves is in fact just a vehicle that is used to
allow the real occupier the immortal divine soul  to gain access and experience here on Earth,
we can spend our entire life falsely identifying with our vehicle rather than identifying with
the real being inside the vehicle which is the soul.I have said this before in other blogs but it
is worth repeating here I feel, that if you told your family or friends at work that the car (vehicle)
that you drive is really YOU, what sort of reaction do you think you would receive? If you
persisted in believing that you were really that car, then eventually you would be "escorted to a
"place of safety" in order for you to recover from your delusion! Well that delusion exists within
tens of millions of us today, because we all seem to think that this car (vehicle) that we all live in
is really who we are, think this through, is not this exactly what we are all doing today! What then are we going to do about this? If anything!
In part two will explore this further        Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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