Tuesday 1 January 2019

Nothing Ever Waits-Yes Embrace And Rejoice.=N E W -Y E A R Part Two.

2019 has finally dawned, and all the fireworks and the bell ringing has ended, a new year dawns
and greets all five billion or so of us, what will this year bring to us all? For all of us who have
things to look forward to, the promise seems bright and cheerful,but what about those others
who have no food or clean water to drink? Those too in war torn areas, where all they have to
look forward to is more pain suffering and bloodshed.It is only a happy new year if you are
happy and have your needs met. It is not a happy new year, if your child is dying of hunger
and disease, nor is it a happy new year if you are cold,wet, hungry, and homeless, sleeping
in a shop doorway.If perhaps we can be mindful of those millions of our brothers and sisters
who are far far less fortunate than ourselves, and perhaps realise that we all in our heated
well stocked larders at home, have a lot to be grateful for, and rather than moaning about our lot
instead be grateful for what we all have, as we have so much more than millions of others.
We each have our own stories to tell, for those of us that have opportunities to share our
experiences, this is a wonderful thing to do, and listen to others and see that things that you
both identify with, this identification with another human being, is I feel vitally important for
our mental and emotional health. So many of us are desperately lonely and have no one to talk
with, or share their feelings with,perhaps with this new year we can try and be mindful of those
lonely souls, who have no contact and little support, maybe a neighbour of ours who is old and
living alone.When we share our feelings, hopes, and fears, with another, we realise that
underneath the outer differences, we are all the same, we all have needs that need to be met, if
we are to remain healthy in mind,body, and soul, when we fully understand this, and have felt
the rewards and benefits of close communication with another soul, we realise that this need to
communicate and share with another soul, is a very basic need that dwells within the hearts of us
all. When we get through  the mask and the facade of egotism , we see that we are all very much
the same, and this awareness can bring our mind into the understanding that if we are able to
help our neighbour in any way, we will also be helping ourselves as well.If we all have our most
basic needs met, then hopefully this new year can see the birth of charity and love bursting out
from us all. Then this will truly be a blessed new year. Happy new year to all my readers, bless
you all.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback most welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.

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