Tuesday 29 January 2019

Gaining Understanding Reality Upwelling .=G U R U Part Two.

How do we gain understanding and permit reality to upwell within us?  Our physical bodies are
the dark cavern of our heart the first two letters that of GU represent the human part of this
equation, and the letters RU which represents the soul,so the meaning of the word GURU
really means the marrying up of the physical body,the lower self, to that of the higher self
which is your divine immortal soul. This then brings about a fusion a joining of the physical
to the divine, which has been described as a mystical marriage, of human-to divine.
We can dwell within the darkness, yet be bathed in the inner light, but we fail to see it
or even comprehend its presence.
The world at the moment is awash with self styled gurus, with those who claim to channel
just about anyone that exists within our consciousness,they claim to be able the summon up
the arch angel Micheal as easy as you would summon up a beer from the bartender! Many
will offer you enlightenment at a cost of course.I am surprised that someone has not thought
up the idea of channelling Hitler or Karl Marx, guess that might still happen, how many of us
would listen to Hitler being channelled? Could he become a new guru?
The reason why we have so many self styled gurus and internet channellers is because there
exist a vacuum within humanity, an emptiness and soulless area, which is wide open for
exploitation, because of the vast ignorance within humanity as to who and what they are
which is divine immortal souls, we have all created this gulf and empty spiritless place
and as a result of that, as we are told that nature abhors a vacuum, therefore it is filled
with all manner of get rich quick, get enlightenment instantly or even quicker, by our method
only 500 dollars. You do not need to pay one penny to these con-merchants and scammers.all
you need to do, is to look within yourself, there within you and within the whole of humanity
you will find that inner GURU that resides within us all, that of your very own immortal divine
soul. We all our eternal immortal beings, having what could be termed as a human experience
here upon the earth plane, we have a mind, a consciousness, we have a conscience, which acts as
a divine monitor within us, this is where all intuitive thoughts arise from the inner soul, which is
your conscience, which is your consciousness, which is your mind, your physical brain acts as
a biological computer that connects the physical dimension to the spiritual dimension via
electromagnetic impulses.If you have any questions about life and beyond, look within yourself
the answer to all your question dwell within you,we are all connected to universal wisdom and
knowledge, just reestablish the connection within you , then tune into your higher self the soul,.
Warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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