Thursday 10 January 2019

Dweller On The Threshold Expedites Divinity. =D O T T E D.

We all meet the dweller on the threshold many times in our lives, but fail to see the significance
of its presence. We each carry within us the collective experiences which have accumulated over
this life time, and we also carry the Karmic consequences of all our many other lives.
If we try and lead a loving and honest life style, we will be confronted at times with choices to
make, someone upsets us, and we are tempted to retaliate, or do we turn the other cheek, the
dweller stands between you and the choice you make, retaliate and that brings in its train negative
Karma,or turn the other cheek, and that brings more beneficial results to us. When confronted with
these choices, we are all at the threshold within a point where our future will be decided by our
actions at that time. The dweller exists within that point of space where you decide which course
of action to take.
Before we can make any real progress in life,we have to try and learn the lessons of our past
actions, and then adjust ourselves accordingly, we feel the pain and shame of past actions and
vow not to take that course or direction again,
We all have inbuilt within our vehicle (human body) a thing called our conscience, wise men have
often stated that "let your conscience be your guide" that is so very true, but sadly so many of us
seem to have built up what could be termed a" unintentional static field" that tends to drown out
the inner wisdom and guidance that emanates from within the conscience, and we then fail to
listen, and then fall deeper into negative Karmic liability.
 What then is this thing called conscience? It also has been called a Divine monitor, that dwells
within us all. Our conscience is in truth a reflective voice that tries  to guide us through our living
experience here on Earth, if only we actually paid it any attention.
Because we all have free will, the dweller on the threshold will show you the choices you can make
but we need to be very mindful that each choice comes with the consequences of that choice, which
can be bitter or sweet, which do you prefer?
Our conscience will try and guide us into an action that is positive and beneficial all round, and will
give us reassurance that we are not lost and that we can overcome all our difficulties.
In part two will examine this more deeply.   warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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