Monday 14 January 2019

Awaken Personal Power Soul.= A P P S

Intuition is a wonderful thing that happens to us often when we least expect it. The home of
intuition lies solely within our divine immortal souls, that is also called the higher self.
Intuition saved my life many years ago, when an inner voice said to me to take up the practice
of meditation, I took heed of this inner voice,and have been daily meditating for well over
forty years.
When I first started meditating back in 1974 there was no such thing as personal laptop
computers, the only computers there were that were mostly used by companies and were very
large compared to the tiny models of today.There was no such thing as a mobile phone, or
internet, no such thing as Facebook or Google,and nobody on the planet had or even heard of
such a thing as an APP, and the word DOWNLOAD had not entered into the vocabulary of
humanity at that time.
Now we are all awash with apps, there are thousands of them, and they are downloaded into
our smart phones daily, how could we live without them?  These things did not exist when I
started out on my search for serenity.
It was when in my morning meditation a couple of days ago that an intuitive thought came into
my awareness, and it said that mankind has been in possession of what we term as an app for
thousands of years, and in that time only very few knew how to awaken it, this APP stood for
what is the title of this days blog, that of Awaken Personal Power=SOUL =APPS, we all have
vouchsafed within us a personal app the awakened personal higher power, which is the soul
In other words we all have installed within us since birth upon this earth plane the possibility
of downloading the soul APP! All we need to do is to go within ourselves, take up the daily
practice of meditation, focus on this practice,let go of all thoughts, focus just on the breath
ignore all arising thoughts,give them zero attention,let go of everything except your focus on
the breath with your eyes closed and fixed on the point where the eyelids meet, keep doing this
and your level of conscious awareness will become deeper, and here deeper actually means
raising your vibration to a higher level, and in doing this you are able to connect with your higher
self, the soul. At first the contact will be spasmodic and will result in the occasional intuitive
insight,but persistence pays off, patience and persistence are the needed ingredients in order to
raise up into higher levels of consciousness.
In part two will explore this more.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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