Thursday 24 January 2019

Souls Of Distortion Awakening.=S O D A

I borrowed the title of this blog from the book called "Souls Of Distortion Awakening" by the
author Jan Wicherink  whose website can be found on 
I have read some of the book, will finish the rest later, however the rest of this blog is not from
the book, just the title above and the ideas it gave me.
We have currently over seven and a half billion souls upon this planet, all trying to survive on
what is fast becoming a polluted and diseased ridden planet.we in the west are bloated with excess
obesity is climbing ever higher each year,we waste billions of gallons of water, and throw away,
millions of tons of food yearly, when millions are dying of starvation and thirst.How can we sit
back and let this happen? Has any of us reading this now, ever really experienced extreme hunger
or thirst? If we have experienced this, then we would fully understand the agony and despair that
millions endure every day before they die. The distortion that is occurring within humanity today
is that we now have the means to rectify this great imbalance but instead turn a blind eye to
it all, well yes we seem to turn a blind eye on all this suffering, yet we watch it unfolding daily
from the comfort of our own homes on TV! We have the means to rectify this sad imbalance
but we do not seem to possess the will! We all need a great awakening to arise like the mythical
phoenix out of the ashes of our polluted planet , and restore balance and compassion, rather than
bloated egotism and selfishness run riot.
The word distortion can conjure up images of bitter and twisted souls, badly in need of an awakening, there are noble signs of change occurring, within the global internet, although much
of it can be very suspect. there is also many sites which talk about unity and spirituality  how we
are all connected to one another, these are hopeful signs. Science too is coning to our rescue in
the form of the "unified field theory" and quantum science that talks about life being wholly
connected, and that we all our one family of energy units sharing physical forms, and each
fully connected to the other, one family in fact.
The great awakening will occur when more and more of us, fully realise and understand what
this actually means, when this happens the distortion field that we have all created, will gradually
begin to untwist itself, and as this unravelling process begins the reaction will be that we will feel
the emotional energy that comes with the dawning of expanded consciousness, and will gather together to aid the need to stamp out hunger and thirst, warfare and hatred.
In part two will explore this further. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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