Friday 18 January 2019

Music Of The Harmonic Spheres.=M O T H S

All life has a sound, a unique tonal signature. Life is expressed within the motion of vibrations
that transmits a universal symphony of orchestrated balance cohered and unified by the Infinite
Intelligent Conductor.
Each expression of life has its own unique signature note, a tonal reference to the displayed life
frequency it represents.We as human beings are no exception to this tonal frequency or vibration
there is only one note for the whole of humanity, but there are an unknowable amount of sub-tones
that represent each soul in incarnation, we each have differing sub tones that are unique to our
particular expression and our place within the arc of evolution, some of us are young souls, and
some are old souls,we each will have differing notes and varying intensities of harmonic unity.
We all our in effect melodic metaphors for a much grander and more radiant life form that lies
buried deeply within us all.
The phrase the music of the spheres relates in truth to all expressed life, whether it be here on this planet or existing a billion light years away in a galaxy that we cannot even see yet. All life dances
to the TUNE of the Master Melody Maker, the sound or tune we create as human beings really
depends on how we live, think, act, and do, and also the circumstances in which we are born into.
If we say are born into a war-zone then the chances of us playing a bright cheerful harmonic note
would be very slim indeed.If we are starving and dying of thirst, then our tunes will be totally
in discord and mind jarring.If we are not in a war zone, and have plenty to eat and drink then
should our notes then be harmonic? Well that will then depend upon our thinking, acting, and
doing, plus also if we are either negative or positive, selfish or unselfish, our actions and thoughts
decide the tune we are playing. The more we allow disharmony and discord into our lives the lower
our life tune will become, this then will attract lower tones of vibrations that bring with them that
which dwells within those lower notes that of disease and pain.
If we are bright and cheerful positive in our thinking, then we will be living within a higher frequency
note, which will bring us more into a harmony with the living expression of the life principal, thereby
inviting healthy and more pleasant tones to enter our being.
There is a sound that exists within the silence, this silent soundless sound is the deep called out to
one of its OWN, by listening within ourselves to this silent sound of total silence, we are then closer
to the MASTER MUSICIAN, and as we touch this deep inner silence, we are in effect touching
the hem of the fabric that is the signature TONE of the Universal Melody Maker.
In part two will play more music.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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