Friday 25 January 2019

Souls Of Distortion Awakening. S O D A Part Two.

The whole of humanity lives within a distortion field, this distortion field is the manifestation
of our all being "twisted around the illusion of separateness" and as we all go about our
business, with the idea of each of us being individual, and therefore separate in nature, this
very action and inner intention creates within our lives what could be referred to as a vibratory
crisis, and this vibratory crisis reveals itself within what I call multiple mini vortexes  that
affect tens of millions every year, and tens of millions die every year because of the distortion
spiralling motions of the diseases it creates, like alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity,and many other
spiralling conditions that are physical, mental. or emotional.What this phenomena actually is
is an eddy (whirlpool) manifesting within the river of life, and the victim caught up in this spiral
and there are literally hundreds of millions of us caught up in these eddies, will all die, unless they
can find a way out of this distortion field.
This distortion field manifests solely because we are in effect lost souls, what that basically means
in plain English is that we do not know or understand who and what we are, and because of this
global ignorance we are all caught up in the slipstream of this distortion field, which presents
to us as suffering, despair, and heartache. We were brought up by parents who did not know who they
and therefore they passed their ignorance onto you,no one is to blame for this, but we each have a
responsibility if we are given the insight or the opportunity to share this truth with as many as they can. Which is why I am sharing this here today on this blog, hopefully you will consider the concept
of you being an immortal divine soul, and are fully included within the WHOLENESS of life, and that you are NOT some separate entity, cast adrift on the ocean of life.
Because of our ignorance of who and what we are, we then place ourselves (albeit unconsciously)
out of alignment with the universal law of harmonics, and this act of motion on each and every one
of us, cause a jarring discord,which then creates a distortion field around the "victim"which then
sets up what could be seen as a negative vortex (eddy) and this then spirals slowly inwards which
acts like a slow suffocation as it gradually casts out all of the positive life force energy, and thereby
creating the breeding ground for all manner of disease to flourish.
We all need to awaken and to look within ourselves and find out our true nature, which is that we are
all immortal divine souls, directly connected to each other and also interconnected with the whole
universe, if we fully realise who we are, see the connection to ALL, we will then collapse the
distortion field around us, and then help all those you can to wake up and thereby collapse their
fields as well.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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