Thursday 3 January 2019

Living Intelligen Focused Energy. =L I F E Part Two.

Life is the relative reflection of absolute perfection, that is what life actually is, the expression
of it is manifested as relativity dual by nature, and motioning in vibratory harmonics tuned into
the Primal INTENT.
Behind the relative expression (which means motion) lies the absolute motionlessness of
Absolute Perfection, once stillness or absolute motionlessness stirs from its quintessent state
it immediately becomes relative, and in no longer absolute.
We are all living intelligent focused energy which spells out the word life, this is what we all
ARE=LIFE, we are living, we are intelligent, we are focused, and lastly we are all energy.
Four points of reference, contained within one physical body (vehicle). To our physical brain
and surface consciousness we know nothing about this cohesion of forces that hold all this
together, we know a limited amount of these four forces that hold us all together in physical
expression. We know for instance that we are living, we know that we know that we are alive
we also know that we have this ability called intelligence, however we know nothing about
the focused aspect of our expression, or of its energy cohered within the physical form.
Our physical brains know nothing about the forces of intent that holds the whole expression
of physical life in a cohesive embrace which issues out from the higher self, which is our own
divine immortal soul. Whose intention holds the physical body in stasis while it gathers
experiences upon this Earth plane.
The only way we can become consciously conscious of the last two aspects of our expression
that of being focused and that of being energy,is by going within ourselves through either
meditation or yoga,and thereby uncovering deeper levels of consciousness that exist within us
all.We all need to go within and befriend the silence that dwells deeply within us all, we need
to let the silence enfold us like an invisible blanket of internal security. It is here that we begin
to discover exactly who and what we are, we discover our connection to all other life, we also
discover that all of humanity is totally connected and interconnected to each other, we are all
reflections of each other, all brother and sister, when we all know that and fully understand the
full and lasting implications of this reality, then great and magnificent changes will befall us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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