Tuesday 15 January 2019

Awaken Personal Power Soul. =A P P S Part Two.

The whole of humanity has an inbuilt app that has been installed by Infinite Intelligence, for
millions of years, and this app is called the higher self, or more commonly the immortal soul.
Hidden away within mankind lies this often very dormant potentiality, awaiting an insightful
encounter to occur within its host, that would begin the awakening process.
This app that is installed within all mankind could also be called another name that would spell
out the word APPS,and that would be this "A Portentous Possibility Surfaces" = APPS>
The sad fact that exists upon this planet today within its human experience is that there are
literally tens of millions of us who have not got the remotest idea of having installed within
themselves, a divine immortal soul, that exist within their heart Chakra.
Yet millions of us will be busily downloading all manner of "useful" apps onto our smart phones
and fail miserably to even recognise that the most important APP that any human being could
ever download into their lives, has been lying within their physical vehicle since the day that
they were born, our soul lies within us, closer than our hands and feet, it is within every atom
of your physical expression here upon the earth plane, it flows through your blood stream like
a mighty river of living light,every cell in your body and there are literally billions of them is
super saturated with the soul presence, yet consciously we fail to notice its divine presence
within us.Why is that? The answer to that question lies in the words focused intent our focus
and intent is to forever continuously to gaze out ward to for ever look out there for the answers
to our living problems. Not until we shift our gaze and our focus, and begin looking within ourselves
will we ever find that hidden treasure that lies beneath the surface facade of our projected form
the physical body.
If any of you dear readers, can just give this idea that is presented here in this blog today a modicum
of your attention, and perhaps consider that within you right now as you read these words, lies
your very own immortal soul, awaiting for you to change the vector of your gaze, from outward to
inward, and by going within yourself, you can discover the inner reality of your divine immortal
soul, you can then download the APP that will reconnect you to the REAL YOU, and not the cardboard cutout, which is our physical vehicle needed by the soul to experience earth conditions.
The we can coin another definition  for the word APPS, which is Am Preparing Pressing 
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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