Saturday 12 January 2019

Awaken Directly My Intuition Teacher. =A D M I T .

There may well be many ways to awaken the inner teacher (guru/master) that dwells within
us all. For me it was awakened after undergoing a major life threatening crisis, that resulted
in me taking up meditation as a way to hopefully find some peace of mind.Well I found peace of mind, plus so much more that it staggered my imagination.I found out who and what this "still
small voice" actually was, this inner voice that speaks directly to us human beings, often when
we are in a crisis situation. This inner voice which whispers reassuring words of comfort to us
all at times,this comforting reassuring inner voice,was in fact my indwelling immortal divine
soul. I found out this truth of our being over forty years ago now, and have enjoyed the
relationship which has grown and developed over the decades. I realised that there was a lower
self, that was me the personality and ego conscious me, and that there was also a higher self,
which was in fact the real me, the immortal soul, I learned that the lower self, was really just
a vehicle for the soul to use while incarnating here on Earth. All of us on this planet are all
immortal divine souls,its just that most of us on the planet fail to know or recognise this
most fundamental and basic fact of expressive life.
I began to experience deeper and deeper levels of consciousness, I realised that consciousness
exists much like an infinite ocean, and that  we are all like corks bobbing up and down on the
surface of that ocean. Meditation I found was a way to penetrate through the surface tension
(exactly the same as the surface tension of water)of consciousness and dive deeper into its
infinite depths.
I have been very interested in quantum physics over the years, in particular that which is called
quantum tunnelling, where particles can pass through and disappear from view here, and then
appear there,like they have tunnelled into another dimension then reappeared again, I can see a
correspondence  with this tunnelling effect that occurs when in deep meditation, this I would
call intuitive tunnelling to coin this phrase. The deeper we go into meditation, and make
conscious contact with our higher self, we in effect leave this physical dimension, and tunnel
directly into other dimensions of consciousness, we then begin entering the ocean where cosmic
consciousness dwells, and are given access to finer understandings of reality, than are impossible
to know on more surficial levels of awareness. We all have this ability to do this,all we need to do
is to go within ourselves, practice meditation daily,ask yourself the question, who am "I"? and
keep asking that question until you get an answer, the answer WILL COME it always does, we just
need to persevere with our questioning, be patient, and all will be revealed, the truth of who and what
you are, of what the entire planet of human beings really are, is already vouchsafed within your heart
it cannot remain hidden from you, if you boldly go within yourself, and demand to know and understand your divine and noble birthright. Try it and see, what have you to lose, except your lower
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face Book Soul Realization.

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