Monday 28 January 2019

Gaining Understanding Reality Upwelling. =G U R U

The word guru can mean many things to us,like a master, or a spiritual teacher,however here I
use the root meaning of the word which is,GU, (meaning dark cavern of the heart) and RU,
(meaning light and wisdom) so a guru is one who brings like and wisdom, into the dark
cavern of our hearts. Where can we find such a person as this? Where is our guru hiding?
If we belong to a religion or spiritual fellowship, we can look for answers there,if we have
no connections then what can we do?  We could search the internet and see if Goggle can
find you a spiritual teacher on "find me a". What we often forget or that we have
never realised, due to our vast ignorance about our true identity, is that we all have embedded
within us, our very own guru and master, in the form of our indwelling immortal divine soul
this inner guru has been waiting patiently for you to recognise it existence within you.
Unless we have some sort of spiritual experience, that will bring about the awakening process
or if we have some life threatening crisis, that forces us to look within for an answer, we will
most likely never know we had an inner soul within us. There are of course a few exceptions,
those who question things deeply, and search out answers, and today this is made very easy
with the internet, where any question you may have will be answered by good old Goggle
in about one second flat!
There are a great many so called masters and gurus plying their wares on the internet, and
many will show you how to reach enlightenment for a fee of course! Anybody asking for
money in order to impart "divine wisdom" that will bring you enlightenment, is going
against the universal law, a real master or teacher would rather cut of their arm rather
than charge for something that belongs freely to all universal souls.
Thankfully though, infinite wisdom has supplied us all with the answer to the question of
who am I?, that answer is that we all have indwelling within us our very own GURU and
master of wisdom, that is our immortal divine souls. If we all knew and understood this
reality of us all being divine souls, and that by just going within us, we could find the answer
to any question we could think to ask, then these internet gurus would all be out of business
and perhaps would have to start working in order to pay their bills!
In part two will look deeper into this,      Warmest regards Michael.

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