Friday 11 January 2019

Dweller On The Threshold Expedites Divinity. D O T T E D . Part Two.

If we all could stay within the parameters of our conscious conscience guidelines, we would
be much reducing the amount of negative Karma in which we incur.The problem with that
though is US we are all moved by impulses and desires mostly manifested by the ego, which
often causes us to act in such a way, that we "tread on others toes" which causes conflict and
upsets, we get angry, resentful, our feelings are hurt, we feel sorry for ourselves, all these states
of being are created by us solely, even though we may try and blame others, for causing us to
feel this way.
We all have this thing called free will it is called free will, but that freedom of will can in some
instances cost us our lives! The dweller on the threshold can be seen as a directional guidance 
valuer, before we make a move in any direction, in particular one that will change our lives in
some distinctive way. Before we make the motion to move in a way we create a space this space
is where the dweller dwells we are shown in though forms options of which way to go, the
dweller will show you both options, and then you decide with your free will which one to take.
One option might bring you much pain and anguish, the other joy and peace of mind, you choose
In making choices that will affect our lives, we only ever mostly see the possible results of that
chosen choice in the first stages of the option taken, we rarely if ever see the long lasting results
of any choice, so as best we can, we need to choose as wisely as we possibly can.
We have all been travellers upon a vast and unimaginable  journey that has taken aeons of lapsed
time, in our journey we have encountered and amassed many causes and effects, all of which
have an inbuilt preponderance for exacting BALANCE, the whole universe seeks always to bring
about a balance. We all have amassed debits and credits, and ultimately these debits and credits
will need to all dissolve into an absolute equilibrium, where we will be wholly whole. Without
any debt or any credit,just perfectly balanced.This balancing act that we all live and exist through
is encountered in our everyday experiences, and through these experiences of pain, joy, laughter
and tears, we tend to seek a balanced life. The dweller on the threshold is ultimately the one who
opens the doorway into your very own immortal soul, and introduces you to your divine heritage
and the divine family in which we all dwell within, and know it not.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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