Sunday, 2 February 2025



This blog today entitled SPACE is about what space actually is, and how that all

life universally arises out of this Infinite Ocean of Space and occupies this Space

by its presence within it. Behind all life lies that of Eternal Absolute Spirit . Spirit

is the NOUMENON the invisible divine matrix of all expressed life universally.

All life universally becomes the phenomenon the temporal appearance of life on

the stage of relative expression. Space is the "HOLY WOMB" from which all life

arises within its infinite loving embrace. The word life is far more inclusive than we

normally imagine it to be, for instance all planets and stars are alive, which means

they all have atomic vibration, the word life really means "that which has motion"

if it moves (has atomic vibration) it is called life. If it has zero atomic motion then it

is Spirit absolute and eternal. All life is a temporal reflection of eternal spirit. When 

we look at humanity we see eight billion souls who are all physical entities on the 

outer showing . We are all life outwardly but in our divine inner matrix we each have

a Divine ATOM which is our eternal anchor into spirit. Life is an temporal appearance

upon the stage of expression . Life is spirit venturing into relativity and becoming

clothed in physical and etheric KOSHAS so that it can gain purchase into this dense

physical dimension of Earth. When we look within ourselves we will reveal our true

inner spirit nature. We are here to wake up and gain experience of tangibility and 

corporeal activity.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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