This blog today entitled BEING spells out the truth of what we all experience, and
seldom if ever fully realize. BEHOLD ETERNITY in "NOW" GATEWAY . All life
universally has arisen into a temporal relative gateway, where we become aware of
our BEING. We will see if we look deep into what life actually is, that all life arises as
a perspective entity which then occupies a space from which it has arisen out from.
All life is relative and all life is temporal. We will see if we look closely at life, that
it is a temporal phenomenon of an invisible NOUMENON. The essence of all life
universally is that of the Eternal NOW the word NOW and ETERNITY are synonymous.
So all life is anchored within the eternal now, while its "APPEARANCE" is seen as life.
visible life is always the phenomenon. What is not ever seen which is the invisible core
of a presented life universally is that of the NOUMENON which is PURE AWARENESS
the ETERNAL NOW, or just that of absolute Mind. They are all the same "THINGLESS
THING". We as that of humanity are life that has reached what I call the APEX POINT"
in our evolutionary path, where we have I AM SELF AWARENESS, we know that we know
We can reflect and ask the question of "WHO AM I REALLY? . We can then reflect and
understand that we are all LIFE in the relative perspective , but we can also look within
ourselves , and see that there is also a spiritual perspective within us as well. We can
then reveal within ourselves that outwardly we are physical bodies, that we have a
limited time of existence then die, but we also have an inner connection which is the
immortal spirit which is the eternity of forever now, The GATEWAY is the bridge
between the relative temporal world , and we are ALL connected to the ETERNAL
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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