Wednesday, 19 February 2025


This blog today entitled CHAOS  is about how this universe emerged out of CHAOS

which was when the CAUSELESS CAUSE , which was that Primordial Thought Intention

Wave that arose from within Absolute MIND of that ONE SINGULAR Absolute 

Intelligence  which is the SOURCE of all that "IS". All life universally arose out from

CHAOS, CHAOS was the primordial thought wave that brought MOTION out from 

eternal motionlessness. MOTION is the root matrix  of all chaos, and chaos was uprooted

out from Absolute BLISS by that manifestation of a primordial thought wave that gave 

birth to this relative universe. We all owe our lives to CHAOS , chaos brings in its train

that of wholeness and perfect bliss. Consciousness is the relative reflection of absolute 

awareness. Consciousness is a holographic reflective principle which is a "MOTIONAL

MIRROR" that reflects motion from pure awareness which is eternally motionless.

Awareness being absolute and omnipresent has zero  need of motion as it is always ever

present eternally so. This universe is a motional representation of absolute stillness. The

VOID is stillness eternally so, the hologram which is the universe moves with the intention

RIPPLE manifested by Absolute  Mind. SPIRIT eternally still and absolute pure awareness

Absolute  PURITY and INNOCENCE, manifests a causeless cause by arising a mighty

thought wave in Absolute MIND and projects that thought wave out into ALL MIND

which gave birth to MOTION  (THOUGHT)  from motionlessness went onto bring 

"CHAOS ON LINE"  in order for a universe to be born out of that Primordial "IDEA


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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