Sunday, 16 February 2025



This blog today entitled SLICED is about what happens in the Astral realms, when 

a spirit/soul seeks out another incarnation into density of physical life within a 

physical  body vehicle. Our pathways through evolutional expression are all different

to each particular entity that has entered into the human kingdom. We are all at different

levels of conscious awareness and perceptive inner knowing abilities. Some souls have

zero options as to when they are to incarnate , it is an automatic procedure of natural Divine

LAW. When we have reached a certain level of inner knowing, we then have a choice when

we will incarnate. When we are at that stage in our evolutional journey we can choose our

parents to be, and make a contract of what we want to achieve within this next incarnation.

We can choose which country we want to be born in. . When we have made this decision 

and are sure about what we are doing, then we make the decision to be born again into 

density. When we do this a veil of unconsciousness sweeps over us and we fall into a deep

slumber, then we pass over the river of FORGETFULLNESS  the mythical river STYX,

and are ferried back into physical life, and enter the womb of your mother to be, at the

precise moment she feels the "QUICKENING" feelings in her womb, like butterflies

fluttering in her womb. We are all born with a blank slate. But the contact you have made

is encoded within you DNA and will arise within your conscious mind when the right time

prevails, there is a time lapse process within the chromosomes which will unlock and 

reveal your inner prearranged contract details and destiny, all will arise at the time 

set by the higher mind.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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