This blog today entitled OFFERS is about us being able to understand the
AWESOMENESS of this infinite absolute field of Motioning Vibrational
Intelligence, which holds all universal life in its Loving Embrace. An infinite
unified field of intelligent fluidic energy , from which all life and all planets
and stars emerge out from this fluidic field and then occupy this field which we
call SPACE by its PRESENCE within it. The ancient occult wisdom states that
"SPACE IS AN ENTITY" and that all universal life occupies this ENTITY by
its living (vibrational) presence within it. We are told that our human bodies have
within it a DNA field of liquid crystallized acids and electrochemical secretions
that reveal that we are a miniature universe within each body. And that all universal
wisdom lies within our core of being within the codex of our DNA. One absolute
unified field of intelligent fluidic energy manifests all that we witness. We have the
infinite universe all around us, and also we have a Replication of the ALLNESS
of infinity , within each human body, our DNA alone has the equivalent of billions
of MILES of information at a quantum level of atomic motioning. We each are a
universe of ONE-NESS within our relative vehicle bodies. Science will soon see
that all within the all of this universe is totally and absolutely connected and interconnected
to ALL THAT "IS". Quantum entanglement is just the beginning to understand FULLY
that ALL is TOTALLY connected to ALL in this universe without exception. The
Absolute FIELD is and HAS within its AWESOME EMBRACE all that EXISTS
within the infinity of infinities. WE are all HELD within a loving embrace of
Absolute Intelligence.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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