This blog today entitled SPILLS is about how Pure Absolute SPIRIT (GOD) SPILLS
out from its Absolute VOID of Eternal BEINGNESS. And enters into the relative
universal LIFE Stream which it manifests from WITHIN its Absolute Intelligent
MIND. This entire universe is basically and factually a PRODUCT of the ALL MIND
of the Absolute SOURCE of ALL there IS. ALL life manifested within this infinite
SPHERE called the universe is that of SPIRIT being covered over by KOSHIC sheaths
which protect the PURITY of Divine SPIRIT from coming into direct contact with gross
matter. Humanity which consists of around eight billion vehicles are all Spirit in essence.
Each human being has at its core of BEING (which is the real YOU) an ATOM of
SPIRIT. This Divine ATOM is who you really ARE, you are NOT the vehicle that is
animated by infinite divine Intelligence. The only purpose your vehicle services is to
allow Spirit Intelligence to gather experience of TANGIBLE relative LIFE. We
need to WAKE UP and smell those proverbial ROSES. We are NOT the BODY which
we call human beings. The human body serves the same purpose as the car you drive
to work in or go shopping in, your car is just a vehicle of transport, your physical body
is also a vehicle of incarnation, so that intangible divine Spirit , can become localized
into this space time continuum and become covered over by five KOSHIC sheaths so
that it can look out into relativity, feel things, hear things, taste things, smell things,
all that relative vehicles can do. "WE" all signed up for this PLUNGE into DENSITY
and become born on planet Earth, but we have all mostly forgotten our primary thought
about entering into dense physicality.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
If this blog resontes within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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