This blog today entitled WOMB D N A is about how mankind is awakening into
the realization that the DNA that is encoded within mankind's physical vehicle has
all the universal wisdom already impregnated within its electrochemical super intelligent
Divine atomic and sub atomic matrix. If uncoiled the DNA would stretch to PLUTO
and back to Earth, billions of miles of liquid crystallized acids that are a super quantum
computer, embedded within each one of us. The living womb embedded within us , is
that of revealing your true inner immortal identity. Our DNA has within it all universal
wisdom . We are here to UNCOVER our IMMORTAL true nature, by seeking out
within ourselves and beginning to make conscious contact with our higher self. our inbuilt
intuition will be able to read the messages it gets from our DNA and translate these
electrochemical signals into a language of thoughts that will arise within your inner
consciousness. Our physical bodies our like a womb that is invisible to us and within us
all. A super dynamic computer that will enable you to become RE-BORN again into
your true eternal nature of your UNBORN Eternal Spirit SELF. Remember that our
bodies are all the WOMB that life can when it reaches the APEX POINT of full self
knowing. Then it can become FULLY AWAKENED into its true eternal identity.
Our DNA knows who we are its job is to get us to look within and begin the journey
that leads to full SELF KNOWING. Pulling back the veil of ignorance that blankets
mankind that keeps us into endless incarnations, and move into a eternal expansion of
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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