Wednesday, 12 February 2025



This blog today entitled SAME is about us being able to fully realize just what 

MANKIND really is? What is the core being of Mankind? The name mankind

or humanity describes our outer appearance as that of a human being. But what

about the inner invisible core matrix of mankind ? What lies within the invisible 

NOUMENON, which is from where humanity arise out from and emerge into

and as a physical phenomenon?  The presentation triad sequence of mankind is

a three fold triad , which is that of a physical mental , and spiritual being. The outer

and inner expression of the physical and mental which is that of the physical body,

and the biological computer which is the brain. Then we have the inner matrix the

CORE of BEING, which is that of SPIRIT. The SPIRIT within the human being

is felt by many human beings as that of a PRESENCE within, each human being

vehicle has a PRESENCE within them which is a Divine Spirit Atom  which is 

located within the heart chakra of each human being on this planet .There are three

aspects of our presentation sequence upon this planet Earth. The first two dimensions

which are the physical and mental are brought into being by the five Elemental 

Intelligences which supply the Five KOSHIC SHEATHS which include the brain

and all the other organs, plus all  the rest which makes up the complete entity to enter

into this relative space time continuum. The last and most vital ingredient which is the

Holy Spirit is not part of the Elemental Intelligences , rather the SPIRIT ATOM 

remains outside of our relative continuum, but can and is FELT BY US ,  so that each

human being is always firmly anchored forever within the eternal embrace of Divine 


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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