Friday, 28 February 2025



This blog today entitled MIGHTY is about how we can all wake up and know that

Humanity searches for something that they actually all ARE,  and fail to see this 

truth. We search for the SOURCE of ALL, we search for GOD,  not realizing that

we ARE that from which we search. The ancient GREEKS wrote over the temple

of APOLLO in DELPHI , the words "MAN KNOW THYSELF". When we fully

know our SELF, we will then know the SOURCE or GOD, because that is what we

all are, and we know it not !! In the PSALM 46.10  it says "BE STILL AND KNOW

THAT I AM GOD" . When we fully know who and what we truly are, all seeking will

vanish forever. Because then we will realize that the SOURCE of ALL is that which

we all are. Eight billion human beings equal to ONE ABSOLUTE SOURCE or GOD

or Divine absolute intelligence. We are all absolute Source divine spirit condensed 

into what is called  LIFE and covered over by KOSHIC sheaths which is our 

physical body vehicle. We are all SOURCE undergoing a process of gathering up

experiences of living motional life, which is a temporal relative process. SOURCE

GOD you and me , says to us in times of ardent prayer and comforting words of 

divine wisdom,  "THAT I am closer to you than your hands and feet, and you know

and you know med not"! The SOURCE is in every ATOM and CELL  of your body,

it is in the blood that flows through your veins , closer that the hairs on your head, how

much closer can the SOURCE BE to you before we all WAKE UP??? MIGHTY 

uncovers the reality that all LIFE is the SOURCE/GOD in MOTION (atomic vibration)

Humanity has I AM SELF AWARENESS , which means that when we fully wake up 

we will plainly see That we are all SOURCE/GOD, incarnated  into life.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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