This blog today entitled SWEPT is about revealing the nature of how Humanity is
being SWEPT along by the force of our focus on the lower ego centred self, which
becomes what could be called a "standing wave" of ego pointed lower self fixation
of our EGOIC lower self. This becomes a one pointed fixation of ego lower self identity.
Which means that the life wave that sustains all living expressions universally , which
in our case is forever focused on a one pointed singular fixed point, which is the lower
ego self. Remains as a stationary fixed standing wave. This type of focusing can and
often does remain with the human life form from birth to death, Millions never realize
that they can actually "COLLAPSE the WAVE" by seeking out the higher SELF
that lies within us all. When our primary focus is on ego centred lower self, we then
become a standing fixed wave . We are not just human beings, we are also spiritual beings.
The human being vehicle is that of the lower self ego personality memory based vehicle,
while within us also lies a spiritual being which is our HIGHER SELF. The higher
SELF can be contacted by meditation or yoga and seeking it out deep within ourselves.
When we connect with the Higher SELF we can in effect and in fact can Collapse the
standing wave of ego fixation, and open up into an expanded spiritual life wave of
undulating vibrancy and expanded awareness and consciousness. We exist within many
waves of dimensional references, which all wash over us and clean away the stains of
lower self ignorance.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog vibrates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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