core matrix of this thing we call life. The LOCALIZED INTRIGUE which is
presented to all of humanity , is the question of what exactly is life? And what are the
implications of life all being LOCALIZED ? Becoming localized implies that what we
call life, has an inner nature that would seem to suggest that it was omnipresent in
nature and that somehow it had to lose its omnipresence in order to materialize into
this space time continuum, and also imply that it needed to gain density and become
phenomenal matter.. The word LIFE means that which is living, but we need to understand
that living implies having ATOMIC VIBRATION this is the insightful criteria for what
life actually is, which then enlarges the true meaning of LIFE to coincide with the ancient
occult wisdom , which says that this whole universe is "FULLY ALIVE" meaning that
all the planets and stars are living objects , and all have the criteria of being Atomic
vibrational beings. So when we arrive at this understanding , what does the meaning of
life imply? What is the invisible motionless matrix of all life universally ? This question
opens up a real can of worms for many of us. There are most likely thousands of
beliefs as to what lies behind all LIFE? But the absolute reality of what that is, transcends
all those beliefs into just ONE ABSOLUTE POINT of REFERENCE, which is that of
Absolute Intelligence , Absolute SPIRIT. Absolute SOURCE of ALL THERE "IS"
Whatever you CALL IT is TOTALLY IRRELEVENT it just "IS" Outwardly we are
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks..
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