Thursday, 20 February 2025



This blog today entitled DASHING is about the awakening signs that arise within

mankind, and that there dwells within us all an awakening SIGNAL that will begin

to ignite this Divine awakening signal that lies within us all. This signal activator is

called our INTUITION. The divine spirit connector which we all have vouchsafed

within us , is our intuition, the intuition can and will when activated by our inner 

seeking and either using yoga or meditation  practices, become our very own personal

inner guru. This inner GURU  will begin your awakening journey into fully knowing

your Higher Spiritual SELF, which is that indwelling Spirit intelligence which we often

feel  within us as that of a PRESENCE within us. This holy PRESENCE is the matrix

of your inbuilt intuition. Intuition is the inner doorway that opens up and connects us to

higher dimensional layers of wisdom and expanded realized consciousness. When we make

conscious contact with our intuition , we are making a real start on our awakening journey

into fully knowing our true immortal identity . literally the full answer to all our ardent 

questions about who we really are lies within each one of us. All Divine wisdom lie 

within us , we just need to UNCOVER IT. Our GURU will show us that there is a dense

blanket of ignorance within us all that veils us from knowing our real  identity . We are all

Divine Immortal Spirit having a relative physical experience as a human being. DASHING

is that HIDDEN KNIGHT in shining armour that lies deep within your self. Which

is our intuition which will awaken you into realizing who you really are. Our brains will

fire up making new neural connections which will then reveal to your expanded realization

of brain activity to open your eyes to the TRUTH of your HIGHER divine SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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