Saturday, 1 February 2025



This blog today entitled IDIOMS is about how we can all make conscious contact

with our INTUITION by going deep within ourselves. Meditation or yoga are great 

ways to be able to do this.  Every human being on this planet has vouchsafed within

themselves the faculty of intuition, we just need to know how to access it, and use it

as a valuable tool for our self enlightened process. Our intuition can and will be seen

when we make conscious contact with it, as your very own Personal GURU.  An inner

master who dwells within each human being on this planet.  To make conscious contact 

with our intuition we need first begin the practice of meditation or yoga. We need to be

able to sit still and enter into the inner silence that arises when we let go of all thoughts,

This takes much practice stilling the mind is not easy , but it can be done by millions 

of us all over the world. We sit quietly eyes closed and ignore all arising thoughts, pay

zero attention to them. If we persist in this then gradually all thoughts will peter out and

fall away. Then we enter into the profound inner silence , here in this silence we will become

aware of an inner PRESENCE within us,  this Presence is our INTUITION, our inner 

GURU, who will uncover the true inner nature of your being, which is your DIVINE

Higher SELF  Your intuition can be likened to the "Still small inner voice of your

Soul" that whispers words of comfort to you when you are in a crisis situation. Our

intuition will reveal to your surprise that we are all Divine Sacred Beings. Mindful

Sacredness is our waking into fully recognizing our SACRED Divine heritage . It will

reveal that you are an Immortal Being , eternal and ever being ness. Death is an illusion

 fostered by our profound ignorance of reality. When we die (change venues) we ascend

into the astral realm and carry on living as before we (DIED)!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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