This blog today entitled AWED is about how Divine Intelligent Wisdom has presented
us all with the infinite wonder of life being expressed within an infinite diversified way
all over this vast universe. Absolute wisdom has embedded within the inner matrix of
all life in this universe, what we could call hat of instinctive BEHAVIOR, where the
wisdom is hidden from conscious knowing, but automatically stirs the life form into action
at certain times of the year , like spring and winter,. Humanity has reached a point in its
ascension sequence where we now stand at which I call the APEX POINT of our evolutional
cycle . We all have self awareness, we know and can reflect on our inner being. We know
that we are all I AM SELF AWARE Consciousness. We then can look within ourselves
and seek out what exactly is Instinctive BEHAVIOR? We will find that the answer is
that Instinctive BEHAVIOR is that of embedded wisdom which lies within everyone of
us. By looking within ourselves we will then discover that we are not here to learn
anything in particular , but rather we are here to "UNCOVER" what lies deep within
us, at our core of BEING. We will find if we look deep within us, that there is a "VEIL"
which hides us from knowing that universal wisdom we all have access to, but is hidden
by a blanket of ignorance that keeps us from fully knowing who and what we really are.
By going within ourselves by meditating on our inner being , we will begin to wake up
into the realization that we are all divine immortal souls, and will become AWED by the
wonder that we will uncover within us all.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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