Thursday 22 February 2018

What Am I Then ?=W A I T

What is the truth of our being? Who are we really? What lies beneath the facade of form? So many
questions, where can we look to find the answers? Well we could look at the internet, which is full
of information about what a human being actually is, or we could look within ourselves, take up
something like yoga or meditation, and ask your self the most basic question we can ever ask of
our self, that of the question, who am I? If we persist in this self inquiry we will gradually build
up an image of who we really are.
We grow up and are taught that you are either male or female, you are given a name, which we all
mistakenly think that this is who we really are,if asked by another. who are you then? You will tell
them your name, where you were born, your age, and what you do for a living, all of which says
nothing about who you really are.
The sad fact of life in this modern world, is that there are countless millions who have not got a clue
about who they really are, and many are just not interested in that, they are more interested in
looking at messages coming in on their smart phones and other gadgets, too busy with distracting
junk, to look at who they really are, many actually think they know who they are, self delusion
to the point of madness.
At the core of your being, there exists an "I AM" this I AM will reveal itself if you take up meditation
or yoga, this "I" is the real you, it is not your personality, or your ego, these are just constructs of
the mind, which is fixated on things and names, it "informs you what is not you?" All that is "not you" the mind will identify, but the I AM that is the core of your being, IS YOU,  and that YOU
will grow exponentially as you explore deeper within your being, the true nature of what you are
will begin expanding and will become much more inclusive as you go deeper into self.
Your "me" that was you as an individual, who thought stood alone and apart from "others" will
gradually slip away, as you reveal more about the reality of what humanity actually consists of.
That narrow concept that was your "I" when you first begun looking into your self, will steadily
become much more broader and more inclusive as you persist into your self enquiry.
In part two will look more into this, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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