Tuesday 20 February 2018

There Are No Others.

Bhagavan Sri Ramana was asked the question, how should we treat others? His reply was "There
are no others", this blog is about looking at this truth.
It is because of our limited understanding of reality and our gross ignorance of our true identity
that we fall into the illusion of imagining that there is this phenomena called others what exactly
then is an other? A none human being  perhaps? Someone from another planet? In truth we can
never ever meet an other,  because in absolute truth we all are one.
Does not modern day science confirm this most ancient understanding? Quantum physics in
particular states that all is energy, and that energy cannot ever be destroyed (thereby making
it eternal) only converted, we are all energy are we not? And being so cannot be destroyed only
converted, when we die (change/converted) we leave our physical form, the vehicle, and move
into our astral body, and carry on living!
Energy is another word for consciousness, as quantum physics is discovering, we are all
consciousness mingling within a ocean of life, one energy, one consciousness, one life, then
this mist of illusions settle upon us, and we think we see this phenomena called others.
There are  around seven billion human beings upon this planet, and none of them are others!
we are all one energy, one life force, this life force appears to be fragmented into seven
billion parts, but this is an illusion, behind the physical form, lies an endless ocean of
infinite intelligence, of which we all are locked into and connected together, we are all one
life force, experiencing the illusion of separation, and trying to understand the meaning of
our journey here.
If we can just realise who we really are, that of immortal souls inhabiting a vehicle called the
physical body, then by the direct experience of knowing ourselves, we will then realise that
we all are truly one, and that the very idea of something or someone called an OTHER 
will be seen as for what it really is, and that is absurd.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

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