Monday 5 February 2018

We Are Life Waves Of Quantum Entanglement. Part Two.

Max Planck,nobel prize winning originator of quantum theory, said, Quote, "I regard consciousness
as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard existing,postulates
consciousness" unquote.
There exists an infinite and seemingly eternal field, this can be called a quantum field, an ether
field, or a consciousness or spiritual field, its really irrelevant as to what we call it, what is relevant
is that is is THERE.
To me it is an infinite ocean of connectivity, all is connected to all, there are no spaces, no gaps,
everywhere is here, and here is everywhere, time and space cannot exist, distance is meaningless
it cannot exist within an infinite eternal ocean of ALLNESS , there cannot possibly be any separation
separation from what? All and everything is totally and eternally locked together in an infinite embrace  of accepting unity!
Quantum entanglement is really our noticing the connectivity of waves or particles over any distance
soon it will be abundantly clear that the whole physical universe is totally entangled  and that we are
all swimming in this ocean of connectability together as one unit, or particle, or wave?
Albert Einstein said, Quote "When I read the Bhagavad -Gita  and reflect about how God created
this universe, everything else seems so superfluous." unquote.
We are self conscious life waves within this infinite ocean of spiritual consciousness, I use the word
spiritual meaning as from the spirit, as I feel that we all are within the eternal ocean of spirit, or
quantum ocean, if you prefer that term.
Within this ocean of quantum spirituality we as human beings are points of reference within this
infinite field, the point of reference is our self awareness, our self consciousness, the question here
to ask is this, what does this reference point consist of? Is it a self conscious wave? Or perhaps a
self conscious particle? Are you a wave, or a particle, dear reader of this blog? That is an interesting
question, a life wave,or a life particle,we then need to consider that although we are self conscious
the word self does not just mean you! We all  are self!, So if we consider this, as possible, our size
or wave or particle seems to grow exponentially as our awareness expands.
In part three will link this together,warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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