Friday 9 February 2018

Points Of Energy Manifesting Spirituality. P O E M S .

Mankind is a point of energy made into a shape called a human being, the outer cover is called
the physical body, the inner life force is sometimes called the spirit of man, and is by its nature
We only ever see the outer manifestation of what is called man, we have never seen the invisible
inner real being,or energy. But that inner invisible being, is who we really ARE!
I have made this point in other blogs that in reality, there is no such thing as humanity! All human
beings are is VEHICLES, SPACE SUITS for that intelligent energy that dwells within ,this energy
often goes by the name of higher self, or soul, which is just another name for that LIFE force that
is the spirit. The universal equation goes something like this; all is energy, and that energy is all,
we are all points of energy that have become self aware,self aware points of energy, not all energy
is self aware,energy can be conscious or unconscious, we are conscious, because we have evolved
farther alone the road of expansive evolution, and have reached a point in that arc of evolution
where an inner connection has been made and resulting in igniting the fire of reflective knowingness
we have in effect "come online" to the universal life intelligence, that which is Absolute and all
Energy is in itself an expression of a much finer principle that lies in the core of what energy actually
is,energy is the outer manifestation of an inner principle which is unconditional love, and unconditional acceptance, this also lies at the core of all of us, so called humans!
Energy is an intelligence that always seeks unification,it has like a magnetic flow within it, that
wants to merge with any other energy it contacts, to combine and merge, to be at one? There
is no such thing as separation within a pure energy field, all is united and all is one.
Mankind is the only conscious energy signature that ever experiences the illusion of separation
and remember that the feeling of separation is always an illusion, for in truth separation from
the whole is absolutely impossible, it just feels very real that all.
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

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