Thursday 1 February 2018

Humans Are Space Suits Looking Elegant. =H A S S L E .

Mis identification of who we really are,leads to all the woes that befall this world.
The human race is basically made up of seven billion physical bodies, who are all called
human beings.We then think , that this is who we really are, a human being! But  what exactly
is a human being? Well in truth a human being is a space suit  for the soul, nothing more.
Is your car really you? Of course not, it is just a vehicle you use,well that's what your physical
body is as well,exactly the same. We misidentify with our bodies,think that the vehicle is the
real being, rather than just a vehicle,and because of this ignorance we invite all manner of
delusional ideas to surface within our consciousness,and this causes friction among mankind.
This friction is the root cause of all our many problems. If we want to be hassle free we need to
all be reeducated into who we really are, and put a stop on this misidentification nonsense once
and for all.
If we know who we really are, souls with bodies, and not bodies with souls, we will then further
realise and understand that we are all one complete family, all related to each other by a Divine
connection,we are each brother and sister to each other.We will see that we are all immoral souls
here on Earth to learn and understand this most vital truth.
All souls are in essence unconditional love, but this is deeply disturbed by the turbulence whipped
up within our emotions,fed by ignorance and suspicion, occasionally this deep felt love gains
purchase here on the earth plane, and this gives hope to many.
If we are taught to look within ourselves, to ask ourselves the question,who am I? And to continue
with this line of inner questioning, we will begin to realise the truth of these words spoken here on this blog, we are all souls, have what could be called a human experience here on earth, but bear in
mind always, that the human being, is JUST a VEHICLE, a space suit, nothing more.
My hope is that this truth, about who we really are, will one day soon be taught to everyone as a
matter of fact,as it most certainly is,that our schools and universities all teach the truth of who we all
really are, then this vast ignorance will disappear from the face of the earth, and then man will see
others as his brothers and sisters,all one family of the infinite spirit, and when that wonderful day
arrives, wars and hatred will vanish like mist before the rising sun.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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