Thursday 8 February 2018

Religion And Science Combining At Last. =R A S C A L Part Two.

Quantum science is bringing a reality to us that religion has known about for thousands of years
that all is basically one, and that one is all.
At the quantum level everything is basically the same, it is all energy, expressing itself in any
way you expect it to perform, it will be a wave or a particle, stirring in the infinite ocean of life.
We all are submerged within this infinite  and absolute ocean of life, science would call this
life, the quantum infinite field, religion would call it GOD, it really does not matter what you
call it, because it is all the same-thing!
As I said in one of my older blogs, there is "no plurality in reality", all is one, and that one can
be called by any name you choose, whether it be God,life force,quantum field,spirit,intelligent
energy, it matters not a jot what we call it,the fact  is that it is THERE! And always has been
an eternal reality.
Everything in the universe is basically the same thing, at the quantum level, yet on the surface
we all look very different, what is the difference between you and say a tomato? The biggest
is that you can reflect on who you are, the tomato in unable to do this, yet! You know that you
know, the tomato does not know consciously that it is a tomato.
We are all connected universally together in a common bond, a magnetic link that binds us
together, when we look into this magnetic link and use our consciousness to penetrate deeply
into what this magnetic bond can really be, the answer rises to our consciousness in a way that
could not possibly be otherwise, we will all feel instinctively the same thing and that is
unconditional LOVE!
Science might call this by some other name, but the meaning will be the same.
If we can embrace this dawning of truth, and allow it to spread and percolate through our
minds and consciousness, we will see that we are all related to one and another by a common bond of love, if we can all unite behind this truth, then peace and love will change this planet into a place
of true brotherhood and sisterhood, working together so that we all benefit from our combined
efforts, and not just the privileged few as it is today.May this joining of science and religion bring
in a new age of peace and cooperation throughout the world, where we can all enjoy our experience
here together,
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

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