Saturday 24 February 2018

Way Out Of Delusion Embrace Numinosity. =W O O D E N ,

We have all mostly lived our lives in the delusion that what we saw and felt was real, but science
is challenging these ideas and saying that what we actually see is not real, in fact it is only an outer
appearance of an invisible inner reality, and that this invisible reality is actually energy, and science
states further, that this invisible energy cannot ever be destroyed only converted.
It also states that we too are energy, and therefore cannot be destroyed only converted, so when we die(change) we are converter from out of our physical shell, and into our astral shell, and then
carry on living as before the change (death).
We are basically presented as three fold beings, physical,mental, and spiritual, we are all well
acquainted with the first two aspects of our being, that of physical and mental, but many of us
are not so acquainted with our spiritual aspect.
Our spiritual aspect that connects us to our inherent divinity, which is where the word
numinosity comes from, from the Latin numen of the spirit, if we begin to look within our
selves, we will begin to discover the true nature of our being, and will see through the delusion
that has veiled our true grasping of our inner nature.
We are all basically and factually divine beings having what could be called a "human experience"
here upon the earth plane, we are all gathering experiences, and in the process of learning and
understanding our true nature.They way we find out this information, is through our interactions
with one and another, and through these interactions, experience various emotional and mental
feelings, which produce both pain and pleasure. And in these exchanges we also experience a
crisis or two, these crisis are the souls way of trying to grab your attention and get you to look
within yourself, instead of perpetually looking outward all the time.
It seems almost alien for us to look within our being, as since birth we have all been actively
encouraged to look outward, as though this means that by looking outward we can solve all
our difficulties and problems, this information though is false, we need to look within ourselves
and find out the most important information you will ever discover in your life time, that of
who you really are, behind your name, date of birth, and occupation, what lies beneath this
outer shell, the physical body?
In part two will explore this more deeply, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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