Friday 23 February 2018

What Am I Then, = W A I T Part Two.

We all live within this body, our whole life spent looking through our eyes, at the world "out there"
do we ever wonder in all that time, and ask the question, who am I really? Have you ever asked
that question, dear reader of this blog?
What is the difference between you and me? You might think that there are numerous differences
between us, and on the surface that would certainly seem so, we might be opposite sex for instance
or a different colour, you may be white, and I may be black, on the surface for sure we "appear" to
be different, but we need to remember that "appearances" can be very deceptive, as so it is with us
because if we lift the veil of the outer covering, the physical body,and look at the energy that animates the physical body, we will clearly see that it is all the one ENERGY.
We are all one energy, manifesting through seven billion or so vehicles, the physical body, which
leads to the illusion that there are seven billion different beings on this planet, this idea is totally
false, and has no baring on the reality of what humanity actually is.
What animates humanity is energy and this living energy is now being called consciousness by
many of those boffins working in the science of quantum physics, living-intelligent-focused
energy which equals the word LIFE, we are all LIFE, life being expressed in vehicles called
physical bodies, and expressed seven billion times upon this planet, every human being is
totally connected to every other human being on the planet, connected in just one field of living
energy, this energy can be called the life force, consciousness, spirit, soul, or any other name you can
think of, the truth is that we all our  ONE LIFE, at the core of our being, our SELF, and there is
just one self, not seven billion self's!
The very idea of being separate, alone, and apart from, is an illusion, an illusion that we all in our
own way have to deal with, and work through.
We all our connected and interconnected to each other by the force of infinite love, each of us is
an immortal, eternal being, a god incarnate so to speak.
Look within your heart, open your mind,and see that we all our one immortal soul, having an
experience here on earth, and hopefully learning from this experience, and then passing it on
to others who yet do not understand this reality.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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