Saturday 17 February 2018

Soul Awakens Man And Delivers Him Inclusiveness. =S A M A D H I .

Samadhi basically means the highest stage in meditation, in which a person experiences oneness
with the universe, from Hinduism, and Buddhism.
Samadhi is a state that exists within us all, when we align ourselves to the inner nature of our being.
Samadhi lies asleep within us,waiting to be woken up and stirred into action by our self enquiry.
Mans outer nature which is ego driven seeks self needs and wants first, his nature is exclusive,
wants to own things, be apart from,I am different attitude, me comes first, that is the basic nature of
the outer man,the inner man, which often never sees the light of day, is the opposite, and is by
nature inclusive and all embracing.
Simply put mans outer nature is selfish, and his inner nature is unselfish, exclusive equals outer
and inclusive equals inner.The human man is selfish,the spiritual man is unselfish, basically
speaking, there will however be exceptions to this rule!
We are divine beings disguised in a physical body and completely unaware of our true nature
only when we begin to awaken do we start to feel something different deep within us.
Also when we encounter a crisis, this causes us to take stock of our lives, and reevaluate our way
of life and thinking.
We may well think that we need to change our outlook and attitude towards life and what is really
important to us.
If our individual crisis was life threatening, we may well ask ourselves, why are we here? What's
the purpose of my life? And why do we have to suffer? All these questions need answering, so we
look for answers.
The internet is a great place to look for answers, you might want to look at things like yoga and
meditation, you will find answers to all of your questions here, if you take the trouble to look.
If we start with the most important question that any human being can ask them selves, that
question is who am I? We all desperately need to know the answer to this most vital and fundamental
question, who the hell am I? The answer to that most vital question will lead you on a journey of self
discovery and enlightenment, and will if persisted in lead you to the doors where samadhi lie.
In part two will explore this more deeply. Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

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