Tuesday 6 February 2018

We Are Life Waves Of Quantum Entanglement. Part Three.

In the last blog I finished of by saying we are all the self, and as we consider this our size wave
or particle wave seems to grow exponentially, as our awareness expands, what then are the
implications of this discovery? Here is a quote from Dr John Wheeler physicists,"Without
consciousness, there is no physical matter,this is known as the Participatory Anthropic Principle
consciousness literally creates the physical world" unquote.
As our awareness expands it automatically begins to include other "things" into its orbit of
consciousness, we become more inclusive in our understanding of life,and let go of exclusiveness.
Quantum consciousness and quantum entanglement are really the same thing,what the quantum
field or life field  shows is that everything is connected to everything, it suggests that space is
merely a construct that gives us the illusion of separation.
Quantum science is now agreeing with the Vedas and the Bhagavad-Gita  that all is one and one
is ALL separation  cannot exist within reality.
Consciousness  is non local in the same sense that quantum objects are non local.
Scientists claim that quantum theory proves consciousness moves to another universe at death
could this be the Astral plane I wonder? It suggests that our brain  is not a computer, rather its
a quantum field!
We live in the illusion of being apart from separated from what we instinctively know deep
within our psyche cannot BE, yet the illusion persists, we feel alone, isolated, desperate for
company, if only we could open our hearts and our minds and embrace the reality that we
all are ONE FAMILY, quantum science is actually proving this to be true., time and space
distance are all illusions, constructs of our own ignorance, in truth we can never be alone
or ever isolated from the WHOLE! It just feels that way because we all buy into the
We all have a chance to open our minds embrace this understanding, and thereby never be
isolated or alone again.
Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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