This blog today entitled VOICE is about coming to understand that all of humanity
have at their core a thick VEIL of ignorance that blankets our awareness from fully
knowing our true immortal identity. We are all born with a clean slate from our past
incarnation and need to become aware of that holy presence within each one of us.
We are not particularly here to learn anything , but just UNCOVER what lies within
us by the experiences we encounter each day. All universal truth and knowledge lie
within us all, all universal wisdom lies within us. Our physical body vehicles are a
presented form of this universe in MINIATURE. All answers lie within us all. To
uncover this store of universal wisdom and knowledge , we need to look deeply
within ourselves, we need to discover that inner VOICE that dwells within us all.
This inner voice is the the voice of your higher SELF, which can be contacted by
tuning into your intuition , the intuition is the inner door that leads to full self knowing
and lifting the veil of our embedded ignorance of our true Divine Spiritual identity.
Our tasks in life are about uncovering what lies within each one of us , when we are that
we then know that we know who exactly who we are, which is Divine immortal being.
We will when the veil is lifted discover that death is an ILLUSION, we will find that
we have never been born so how could we possibly DIE (change venues astral realm)
All life is eternal it comes from eternal Spirit becomes expressed as life, then returns
back into Spirit. It is only the veil of ignorance that keeps us all in fear and foreboding
about our lives and the future, When you know you are DIVINE and immortal all fear
falls away for ever, and the veil of ignorance disappears.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto yur family and friends Thanks.
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