This blog today entitled SMILED is about how we can understand how all
presented life in this universe has at its core matrix of being that of Divine Spirit.
This inner core of all universal life is what is called the NOUMENON (invisible
essence of all life) . The outer body of all life which is presented upon the stage
of life is called the PHENOMENON (the visible image). The visible embodying
principle which clothes all life into a Tangible Phenomenon is supplied by the
Elemental Intelligent energy which are that of Air-Water-Fire-Earth-and the Ethereal
element making five Elemental principles which supply the infinite diversity of all
life expressions universally. These Elemental coverings which make up the physical
bodies of all life universally are called KOSHAS sheaths. These KOSHIC sheaths
enfold the Divine Spirit with the density and dimensional vector it needs to become
a tangible life unit within this relative space time continuum of this universe. Humanity
is no exception to this universal law of presentation into relativity. When we can fully
understand that life and existence cannot become into tangible reality without SPIRIT
BEING at its referenced core of BEING. Mankind is presented within five dimensional
levels of expression , five dimensional levels of awareness and perception. The highest
level is called our BLISS BODY the lowest level is the physical vehicle , in between
we have three other levels which include the astral body. We are all eternal spirit never
born never die. The word death really means "CHANGE" VENUES" from one level
of expression here on Earth, to another level of expression in the astral realm. Death is an
ILLUSION cast over our eyes by our ignorance of reality.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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