Wednesday, 22 January 2025



This blog today entitled AMID will lay out the process that Absolute Mind has 

brought about this entire universe from "WITHIN" its Absolute MIND and that

the implications of this DIVINE MAGNITUDE is that all life and all stars and planets

and infinite SPACE , are ALL contained "WITHIN" that Absolute MIND of the ONE.

There is only ONE MIND in reality and that is Absolute Mind.  The very idea of us 

having separate minds becomes totally absurd when we really look deeply into the 

"IDEA" of life and the manifested universe .Humanity has eight billion brains and

all these brains tune into ONE Absolute MIND. There is no such a thing as my mind

or your mind . This Infinite Absolute Ocean of mind because it is all in Motional

Ideation thought intention mode then becomes relative  Relativity in its absolute 

matrix of being means "MOTION" which translates in this universe as that of 

perpetual motion which is Atomic vibration. All life lives and moves and has its 

being within this "MOTIONAL EMBRACE" (unconditional Love)  of the 

Absolute Great Spirit. This universe is filled with infinite diversity and all within

this universe is fully alive which  includes all the stars and planets. We need to 

fully understand that being ALIVE here means "atomic vibration"  If it moves

has vibration then it is alive, if it is without  vibration then it is not "ALIVE" 

which means relative  but rather it is PURE SPIRIT which is Eternal  and unborn.

Life and the word existence mean only that it is RELATIVE and not Eternal. Spirit

is both transcendent of life and all existence it just "IS" absolute eternity. Humanity

is presented in a vehicle body formation which is a TEMPORAL covering for the 

Eternal spirit within each one of us. We that of humanity are all temporal in the 

physical body mode, but within us lies the Eternal Spirit. Death is an ILLUSION

we all pass through to move onto greater things.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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