This blog today entitled DISLIKES is about Light and Darkness. Darkness is the one
true actuality, the basis and the root of light, without which the latter could never
manifest itself, nor even exist. Light is matter and darkness Pure Spirit. Darkness in
its radical metaphysical basis , is subjective and absolute light. We find in Genesis
that light is created out of darkness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. In
the Gospel of JOHN it says "and the light SHINETH in darkness , and the darkness
COMPREHENDETH it not". If we look at life we will find that all life began its
descent into localization into this space time continuum in complete and total darkness.
We put seeds into the earth in complete darkness and in this darkness it moves into
motional life (GROWS) . If we meditate or practice yoga, when we venture into our
inner being, all is in darkness . We will find all matter is light which means that it has
atomic vibration, while PURE SPIRIT (GOD or SOURCE) is total darkness , which
translates as that pure spirit has zero vibration , zero motion, and therefore is that of
ETERNAL STILLNESS and that DARKNESS is seen as the invisible NOUMENON
is that of relative matter which is intelligent energy is this light which guides us all is
in fact the reflection of PURE AWARENESS , which then becomes relative and is
therefore seen by us as that of CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness is relative light
and guides all life universally. PURE AWARENESS is Divine SPIRIT DARKNESS,
within us all lives PURE SPIRIT at our inner core matrix.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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