Thursday, 9 January 2025



This blog today entitled SAMADHI is about the stage that all mankind will reach

eventually ,either in this life time or another. The word SAMADHI means simply

Enlightened BLISS. Mankind are all at the APEX POINT in our evolutionary cycle

where we all have I AM SELF AWARENESS, we all know that we know. So that

many within mankind will have begun their path of inner knowing, by looking deeply

within  themselves by taking up meditation or yoga practices. SAMADHI is the "JACOBS

LADDER" that is represented by the KUNDALINI rising experience, where the 

Primal spiritual energies begin rising up from the root chakra and beginning a twin

ascension up the spinal column, like two entwining serpents of spirit power energy.

This rising of the KUNDALINI  spiritual power culminates within the crown chakra,

where when it reaches this vital point the process of SAMADHI opens up within the

ardent seeker of inner knowing. How long this process takes really depends on that 

one soul, it can take years, months or even happen spontaneously. Humanity is waking

up into the realization that not only are we here to experience life, but we are also here

to wake up into knowing who and what we really all are. By us gathering up vast amounts

of experiences it will begin to make us look within ourselves. The answer to all our 

questions about what is life, and who am I really? Can be found  within ourselves

Meditation  is a great way to help the waking up process to expand our inner knowledge.

We will begin to see and understand that we are all spiritual souls , spirit with a physical

body vehicle. Look deep within make contact with your intuition guru that lies within 

each one of us. And begin the process that will eventually end in your SAMADHI 


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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