This blog today entitled IDOLISED is about how all life universally came about
through a product of IDEATION from within the Absolute MIND of the ONE
that just "IS" the SOURCE of ALL. We will see and understand that this whole
entire universe is basically a product of MINDFULNESS from within Absolute
MIND. The enigma paradox is fully explained by that of the equation that "ALL
IS MIND, and that MIND is ALL". Which simply put means that this universe and
everything within it is FULLY enclosed within and contained within that Absolute
MIND of that Source of ALL that IS. So what we have is life being expressed
universally in that of infinite diversity of expression all living and moving through
their infinitely diverse life forms of which are all moving and having their being
within the Infinite MIND of the Source of ALL. We that of humanity are all SELF
aware, but what is it that we are all aware of ? Do we realize that our I AM self
awareness mainly if not only refers to the lower ego personality self ? How many
of us are fully aware of our higher divine SELF? How many of us fully realize and
understand that we all are IDEAS within Infinite MIND ? These questions are all
valid and are important to know who and what we really all are. We are basically
biological machines vehicles . The m ain physical vehicle is the memory embedded
lower ego personality self, and also within us is the HIGHER SELF which is our
Divine Immortal heritage. By seeking out within ourselves we can awaken from our dream
state into the knowledge that we are all Divine Immortal Spirit, living out this IDEA of
what we call LIFE.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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