Saturday, 25 January 2025



This blog today entitled ADDITION is about how we can all fully understand 

what we all have vouchsafed within us. And by looking within ourselves we can

begin to fully realize the most vitally important thing we all have on-board within

our vehicle (human body) is that of our very own inbuilt INTUITION, humanities

inbuilt intuition is the very Divine GATEWAY to spiritual enlightenment and full

self inner knowing of our true immortal divine heritage. We will see if we look deeply

within ourselves and make conscious contact with our intuition ,that this most important

faculty we have within us, can and will become our very own personal GURU. Intuition

reveals our Divine Immortal Heritage and will also uncover and dispel that blanket

of ignorance we all have within us, that prevents us from ever knowing our true inner

Divine nature. YOUR INTUITION GURU will inform you that we are not here to 

learn anything, but rather we are here to UNCOVER what lies deep within us. To use

this divine anchor which is our intuition which some call it "That still small inner voice 

of the SOUL" which often whispers words of comfort to us when we are in a crisis situation.

Meditation or yoga are two ways to look within ourselves and enter into that inner silence

when all thoughts are stilled. When we our consciously anchored into the vital asset of 

our intuition we will begin the full waking up process which will expand our awareness and

consciousness  levels. ADDITION is about how we can fully awaken into claiming our

Divine noble heritage and begin to understand who we really are. We don't need to believe

in Divine Spirit, WE ARE ALL Divine spirit NOW!  Living in a physical vehicle. Having

a HUMAN existence experience here on planet Earth.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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