This blog today entitled SILOS is ab out how we can fully understand the principle
of what truly is Life? And from where does it arise from? We all talk about life and
somewhat take it for granted, but do we know what is the principle that permits life
to become presented into this space time continuum ? The answer to that most ancient
riddle lies in being able to seek into the inner matrix of life and examine the invisible
NOUMENON that is the provider of the ingredients for life to then become a phenomenon
and enter into this space time continuum as an entity we call life. When we examine the
word LIFE and see that the word life can be broken down into this, Living-Intelligent.
-Focused-Energy. so now we have the ingredients exposed that bring about the phenomenon
called life, so when we look at what is Intelligent Energy ? We will see that only one viable
answer is from the SOURCE of all LIFE which is that of Divine SPIRIT which is
absolute and eternal Intelligence. So now we can see that all life universally is in
essence that of Divine Spirit , and we say that of humanity we are all Divine SILHOUETTES
or shadows of that One Divine holy Spirit SOURCE of all that is. SILOS is about seeking
out and understanding our true and holy Divine ROOTES. Which we can do if we look
deeply within ourselves . If we look beyond our lower self which is the ego centred
personality lower self, filled with memories and experiences, and seek out our higher self
which is our direct connection to the divine Spirit which resides and is resident within us all
it is located within our heart chakra.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then pleae pass it onto your family nd friends Thanks.
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