Friday, 10 January 2025



This blog today entitled  CIRCUS-TALK is about how all life universally is fully

connected to universal consciousness  which is an  infinite field that presides over 

all motional occurrences that appear within this universal consciousness in an  infinite

field of Motioning Mind  which emerges out from Infinite Mind of the ABSOLUTE

SOURCE of ALL. Consciousness is NOT absolute like that of AWARENESS or the

eternal NOW. Consciousness motions through the Absolute PRESENCE of Absolute

Awareness . Consciousness is the DIVINE connecting Principle that holds all matter

and life within its infinite embrace. The big difference between consciousness and 

awareness is that consciousness is relative and infinite and has motion and atomic

vibration within its infinite matrix, while AWARENESS is Absolute and motionlessness

omnipresent and eternal and is absolute BACKGROUND medium that holds all of this

universe and all life and consciousness within its Absolute motionless embrace. There is

only ONE MIND  which is absolute and Divine Spirit SELF. There is only ONE

consciousness in which all life is fully within its awesome embrace. Mankind all live 

within the ONE SINGULAR Absolute MIND of that ONE SOURCE. All of mankind

uses the one consciousness field which issues out of the ALL MIND . Our physical 

brains are all tuned into the ALL MIND  via us all being fully contained within a vast

field of  Electromagnetic intelligent light energy, which interacts upon our brains 

and neural networks,  so that we can think and imagine ideas about how to live our daily

lives. CIRCUS TALK is the divine CIRCLE that all life is fully engaged within.

warmest regards michael. an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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