Tuesday, 21 January 2025



This blog today entitled HICCUPS is about the Divine Presence which is a Divine

Atom which is secreted and vouchsafed within our heart chakra, so that we are always 

fully linked into the Divine Presence which is Absolute MIND. Our heart chakra is

off centre to the right side of out higher chest area, opposite our physical organ the 

human heart. The heart chakra is not physical , rather it is like an infinite point of 

reference within an electromagnetic intelligent energy , which is localized within 

our space time continuum, an atom of spirit force. One way we can become acquainted

with this Divine inner Presence, it to take up meditation or yoga, when we can begin

seeking deep within ourselves , we will enter into that inner silence where all thoughts

are stilled and only silence remains. In this silent inner self we will become aware of

our intuition, our intuition is the secret to open that inner door that will lead eventually

to conscious contact with that Divine Presence that dwells within all of humanity.

Our intuition is in fact our very own inner GURU , it will begin teaching you who 

and what you really are. The Presence can also be likened to that "Still small inner voice

of the soul"  that calls out to us when we are in a crisis situation , it whisper words of

comfort and reassurance that all will be well. The good news is that we need not wait to

become confronted with a crises  in order to make contact  with this holy Presence within

each one of us. All we need do do is to seek within ourselves , still all our thoughts enter

into the inner silence and begin your adventure into the waking up process of knowing 

your true immortal SELF. HICCUPS is about us recognising what lies within us, and

thereby  make an effort to seek out conscious contact with your own inner Presence.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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